Very few communities the size of Sylvester have such easy access to such excellent health care services. Sylvester is one of the few rural communities to have a thriving hospital. Phoebe Worth Medical Center became a member of the Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital family in 2002. Their partnership with this large regional hospital located in Albany, allows Phoebe Worth Medical Center to offer many services unheard of in small communities. The emergency center is one of the biggest assets of Phoebe Worth, providing 24-hour a day, 7-day a week immediate care. In addition, Phoebe Worth offers general medicine and acute care, oncology unit, obstetrics, a swing bed unit for rehabilitation, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Phoebe’s Wellness programs serve local employers with screenings, pre-employment physicals, and on-going health education.
The Worth County Health Department is often one of the first places visited by new families, because they are a leading provider of school immunizations. This facility offers a variety of health care services and is utilized by Worth County residents from all walks of life and is certainly an asset to the community.